SERVICESFSSAI License Renewal Procedure

License renewal within 45 days

A license is considered expired if it is not renewed on time. Hence it is necessary for the food business operator to obtain a fresh license. Otherwise, FBO is charged with a penalty of Rs100 per day if the application for FSSAI renewal is not filed within the given time period.

Overview of FSSAI License Renewal

Every Food Business Operator (FBO) in India must obtain the FSSAI license. Food License ensures that the food business operator is providing standard quality food to its consumer. FSSAI has evolved a comprehensive system of licensing and registration when the requisite criteria are met. Renewal is essential if you want to continue running the food business legally and followingthe FSSAI regulations. The license remains valid for a certain period and the validity varies from 1 to 5 years of period.

Most of the operators don’t realize that FSSAI License renewal is equivalently important as that of getting the FSSAI License. An FSSAI License is required to renew in its validity period itself. Any food entrepreneur who needs to start a business in the food industrial, be it food processing/food manufacturing, packaging/distributing has to file for FSSAI Renewal.

What are the Kinds of Annual Return?

The kinds of FSSAI Annual Return laid down under the FSSAI Act are-

  • FSSAI Form D1

Food business units involved in manufacturing, importing, labeling, packing, re-labeling, and re-packing needs to file FSSAI Form D1 which is mandatory for them. The form is prescribed by the Food Safety Commissioner and is a mandatory for the FBOs irrespective of the production they are involved in.

The FSSAI annual return-Form D1 should be filed on or before 31st May of every fiscal year. The form is filed with the Licensing Authority depending upon the type of food products sold by the FBO in the preceding financial year.

  • FSSAI Form D2

Form D2 is filed half-yearly and not every food business operator is eligible to file Form D2. Instead, FSSAI license holders who are involved in the manufacturing and distribution of milk or milk products can file Form D2. Form D2 is filled from 1st April to 30th September and from 1st October to 31st March of every financial year.

Offline Procedure for FSSAI License Renewal

FSSAI Renewal process can be done offline also. In the case of offline application also, there are a few steps that need to be followed-

Firstly, based on the eligibility of the food business, the FSSAI License is renewed by filing up the form A, B, and C.

  • Form A is for the renewal of Basic Food license, or
  • Form B is for the renewal of state or central license.

Secondly, a self-attested declaration is anticipated to go along with the regulations of the Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA).

Thirdly, the authority will review the application and inspects the Food business operating bases. Once the FSSAI renewal license application, is filled the authority will inspect it. The authority can also send its responsible officers to lead the examination of the FBOs.

Fourthly, once the Food inspection officer is satisfied with the compliance and regulations of the Food Business Operator they will pass on the application along with the report of the inspection.

And Lastly, nearly by 60 days, the authorities will issue FSSAI Renewal License. If in case the license is not issued within 60 days of submission then, the Food business operator can carry on the business activity without the renewal.

Additional Requirements To File The FSSAI License Renewal

Additionally, the application for FSSAI license renewal must contain an audit report, FSMS plan, Certificates, or Self-declaration regarding Food Safety Management System has to be filed together. Such a declaration should be provided on the letterhead of the FBO/ firm/ company as per the prescribed format.

Moreover, another requirement of the FSSAI license renewal is filing up of Form No. IX – Form For Nomination Of Persons. It is the Responsibility of the company to fill the form in the prescribed format.

Also, A Declaration signed by the Authorized signatory stating that the food business conducted conforms to the Food Safety and Standards Act, Hygiene, and Sanitary Practices.

Furthermore, all FBOs need to comply with the Guidelines provided under Schedule 4 of the Registration and Licensing Regulation issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and to all subsequent rules issued by an authorized person/ authority from time to time. It should be attached with the application for FSSAI license renewal.


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